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Time for Croissants and Lattes! Get Your Team Out of the Office for a Team Breakfast Meeting

WaConDa Woods & Gardens

Updated: Feb 7, 2024

Business and the time you get to talk and bond with your co-workers can be scarce. That's why team building over breakfast is so great! Nothing pairs better with that first cup of coffee than conversing with your team. It is a great way to start off the day on the right foot!

Why Team Building

Team building brings everyone together and puts them on the same page. If you start the day with a breakfast meeting, the chances of the team working hard all day long is increased.

- Shows You Care: Businesses that truly care about their employees want them to feel motivated. By adding more team building into their work life they will be more likely to feel like working hard with their co-workers.

- Transparency: When you get together in a place outside of the workplace for a special occasion, people are more likely to express their ideas and feelings. People want to feel like they can speak up about their new ideas and concerns. By doing more team building they will feel more comfortable doing so.

Team Building Ideas During Breakfast

There are plenty of ways you can put team building into your breakfast meeting! They will get people ready to conquer the day.

- Coffee Talk: Monthly chats with the team are simple and also very effective. Grab some coffee and bagels and set the time for thirty minutes. There is only one rule, no talk about work. Weird right? This will help the team wake up and be ready to engage once the real meeting starts.

- Sing a Happy Tune: Songs have a way of making everyone happy! Find a song with some sort of meaning and have the team talk about what the song means to them.

- Story Time: Stories aren't just for around the campfire, they are for learning more about each other. Pick a topic and have your team elaborate on the topic. Chances are you will all learn something about each other that you did not already know.

If you want to start your day off right and get everyone's wheels turning - a team breakfast will do the job.

WaConDa Woods & Gardens would love to host you and your teams' next breakfast event! We have plenty of space for people to be able to spread out and have a great time connecting with each other. After all, having a get together outside of the office can be really beneficial.


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